Our Commitment to ESG
NewQuest is committed to sustainable practices throughout each facet of the business. We understand that a strong dedication to the environment, good governance and community relations not only adds value for our stakeholders, but it provides the opportunity to make a lasting impact and achieve sustainable growth. Our success is measured by a high standard of ethics along with meaningful objectives and noticeable results.
NewQuest’s ESG objective is to deliver long-term stakeholder value through safe, low-cost mineral exploration in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.
Strive to exceed all regulatory requirements for environmental performance
Ensure minimal impact to the environment
Ensure responsible use of resources
Continually Identify, analyze, and manage environmental risks
Work openly and transparently with all stakeholders
Always act in a socially responsible manner
Actively contribute in a positive manner to the communities in which we operate
Maintain constant communication with our stakeholders through clear, comprehensive disclosure
Strictly adhere to all laws and government regulations while maintaining a safe and healthy work environment